Friday, June 17, 2016

A Rejuvenating Dose for Office Lifestyle

What an awesome vacation! Miles away from the humdrum of life, you are basking in the company of your near and dear ones. Mesmerizing locales, soothing ambience, ecstatic moments…what else could one want for an enriching experience?
Suddenly, trin trin…!!!
Your clock needle hits the right time and alarm starts buzzing. Oh! So sad… This breaks your dream and you are forced to step out of your flight of imagination. “Gosh, that escape from the hustle and bustle of routine life was at least better in the world of fantasy,” says your heart.
Well, whatsoever it may be, it's time again to rush to the office and live another day full of tight deadlines. Here you go, reach the office, punch in to mark your presence, and finally get settled at your workstation. Now you perform a desk-bound job while being in the same position or posture. So, this, undoubtedly, becomes monotonous and you start losing the passion you once had on joining your current organisation.
Now this is the scenario of a sedentary office lifestyle that most of the professionals accept the way it comes. However, there are some who actually dare to accept it as a challenging opportunity to rise up and devise ideas to transform such a lifestyle into an enthusiastic one. This could essentially offer you a regular health schedule, which can be pursued at the workstation itself without any hassle.
We bring to you excerpts from a face-to-face conversation that we recently had with Mr. ABC, a corporate professional in one of the reputed firms. Let's see what he expresses about this attention-seeking issue.
Q1. What do you think is a major challenge that you have to face in your sedentary office lifestyle?
A. What comes as a major challenge is how to manage our health with loads of work. For, it's undoubtedly true that a sedentary office lifestyle takes a toll on our health and leads to certain disorders.
Q2. What's your mantra in dealing with such a demanding office lifestyle?
A. Aha! I believe a situation doesn't become demanding until you consider it to be so. No need to panic even if you are engrossed with piles of work. Try to be calm and learn to prioritise your work.
If you apply a meticulous time management technique and complete the assigned tasks without procrastination, you will get sufficient time to have breaks and enjoy moments of leisure with your colleagues.
Q3. Would you like to share a few tips on how to maintain health amidst this lifestyle?
A. Sure! Primarily, I am concerned about maintaining a straight body posture. Your position shouldn't make you lean. Then,it is the stroll that I usually take during lunch breaks. In addition, I perform some simple exercises while being at my workstation. Such small efforts make a big difference and sustain liveliness within me.
I think eating habits are equally instrumental in setting our mood. I never skip my breakfast. Sometimes, if I get late and can't have it at home, I bring it packed to my office.
I always carry fruit and salad or other stuff like nuts in my box so as to control my appetite arising at irregular intervals. Also make sure to drink lots of water during the day. It's also important to have less of oily and spicy snacks as they make you feel lazy.
Friends, these tips and ideas will certainly prove to be fruitful for you. The crux lies in the fact that it's all about your willingness to make your all-day sitting job interesting as well as motivating by implementing simple ideas.
Now it's time to browse through some easy to perform exercises that help keep your health disorders at bay. The best part is you can carry out these exercises within the comfort zone of your own workstation.


Make your left arm straight, in front of the face. Turn the palm up and use the other hand to hold left hand's fingers. Pull the fingers gently towards you to stretch the forearm. Hold for 20-30 seconds and perform the same with the other arm.


Take a water bottle and hold it between your hands in straight position, in front of the face. Lift your arms up over the head. Gently bend towards the left, as far as possible. Return to the center and repeat the same on the right side.


Sit tall and pull the abs (muscles of the abdomen) in. Now lift your left foot a few inches above the floor. Hold for 2 seconds and lower the foot. Repeat the same on the other side.


Sit tall and pull the abs in. Raise your left leg until it becomes straight. Squeeze the quadriceps (a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg). Hold this position for 2 seconds and lower your leg. Repeat the same with the other leg.


In sitting posture, lift yourself up a few inches above the chair and keep arms straight to balance this posture. Remain in this position for 2-3 seconds and stand up.
Besides these exercises, make the following tips a necessity of your work life:
1. Walk a few steps every hour to avoid stiffness; this will ensure proper blood circulation in your arms and legs.
2. Use the stairs instead of the elevator unless there is an urgency.
3. Take your eyes off the computer screen at regular intervals and look around at other objects to ensure eye movement and avoid headache.
4. Make it a habit to drink sufficient water to stay calm and relaxed. 
Though it's not a cakewalk to transcend the influence of a tedious work life, your steadfast attitude would indeed guide you towards accomplishing a happy work life if you put into practice these simple exercises and suggestions. To add more, the best comes out when you also attempt to sustain a cordial relation with colleagues around you. A smiling face, positive attitude and sympathetic expressions foretell the existence of an optimistic aura around you. The same accompanies you while you drive back home, listening to soft music and thereafter, spend joyful moments with your dear ones.
On the whole, it rewards you with a satisfactory life that is judiciously balanced at both personal and professional fronts.

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