Tuesday, July 5, 2016


In this modern, corporate age, 75% of the day is spent in the offices doing sedentary work. People qho have a sedentary lifestyle are jeopardising their health and are vulnerable to serious killer diseases like diabetes, cardiac arreat, etc. In such a scenario, taking short breaks by getting up from your desk and making small movements  can prove to be a wonderful resort in sustaining serenity and physical health. Research has indicated that periodic workplace stretching can subjugate physical problems by up to 72%. Trifle exercise on a daily basis can help one relax muscles and relieve stress to quite an extent both physically and mentally. ...
According to WHO, around 60 to 85% of people in the world, from both developed as well as developing countries, lead sedentary lifestyles. Neck and shoulder pain are accompanied free when one has a job that demands sitting all through the day. This is the very reason that the U.S Department of Health an Human Services affirms that 8 in 10 Americans are most likely to experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. As per the figures released by the UK statistics Authority, in 2014, due to back problem, nearly 4.2 million working days were lost by workers aged 50-64, 1.89 million days by those between 25-34, and 3.86 million by adults in the age bracket 35-49, owing to sedentary lifestyle. As a matter of fact, the similar situation replicates almost all round the globe.
It is recommended that stretching exercises should be included in the day to day routine. As a matter of fact, they can be easily performed while on the job, without any special break. Some such desk exercises are:
1. Castle in the air:

Gently pull each elbow to the opposite side over the head. This will provide relief to the upper back and neck area and provide refreshment to the act of continuously staring at your workstation. This small punch helps you stay motivated.
2. ...
9. The Hanged Man Dancing

10. Stylish Headshot

These little body movements will help keep us active and fresh. To know all these movements in toto, read the complete article in July'16 edition of English Akhand Gyan Monthly Magazine.

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